My name is Jorge Gutierrez GarcĂ­a, I'm a San Diego based painter since 2010. My paintings represent my obsession of the symbiotic nature between reality and the mystery of the unconscious mind, the two coexist harmoniously, forever entwined by the perception of a conscious and unconscious mind. I paint what I see out in the world as well as the world that is inside of me.
My surreal work is a product of my curiosity for the unconscious, I represent it as this dark being I like to call "Obsidian The Omni One" In my work he is the physical manifestation of my unconscious, digging deep in order to bring to the surface my most personal thoughts, dreams and moments of self realization for me to interpret through my work. These paintings are colorful and animated in order to balance the fact that the ideas as well as "Obsidian" originate from the dark void that is the unconscious mind, in my opinion everything comes from there, a dark void where everything comes from, anything you'll ever say or think will come from that endless void, the unconscious self.
I'm a firm believer in balance, this philosophy has a recurring presence in my work often represented by the use of symmetry, the dark figure of "Obsidian" against its vibrant colorful environment, as well as the use of vibrant color to balance the often unintentionally hidden adult theme. This "balance" is also seen by my fondness of light and dark themes as well as various artistic styles, I like to not be limited artistically and I like to work continuously, so I rotate styles depending on the current project to keep things fresh and interesting for me, though painting has and will always be my true passion.
- Jorge Gutierrez Garcia